Monday, September 24, 2007

Giuliani and his cell phone

Rudy Giuliani answered a cell phone call from his wife in the middle of a speech he was giving to the NRA. He said before he even looked at the phone "it's probbaly my wife calling" and then quickly told her what he was doing, he would call her when he was done, and that he loved her. all very endearing. the crowd awwwwed after when he hung up, and the speech went on. but it makes me wonder if it was a sort of set-up? it definitely put Giuliani in a good light as sensitive, a family man, a good husband, etc. which im sure he is, but was it really necessary to display that so publicly? obviously answering your cell phone during a speech would get you press. so why did he really do it?


Moira Colley said...

I wrote my blog on this same topic!!! I agreed with you Holly... I immediately thought it might be a setup to help better his repuation as a family man but at the same time there's no reason to criticize the man like the media are doing. I think it might have been a little inapproproate to the audience however it shows he's a really down to earth man. I had mixed feelings too!

Lara said...

Definitely a set-up! People will always be intrigued on a public figure's private life, and I think that little phone call is a strategy for the public to relate to him and win him "awws" and "oohhs." Cute tactic to get the press going, but seriously it was not necessary. It's called putting it on vibrate, or even on silent.

Hobo with a focus said...

I agree that Giuliani probably answered his cell phone for publicity purposes. How could his wife not know he was giving a speech? Giuliani was hoping to be seen in that sensitive family man light. People turn off their cell phones when listening to a speech and I think the person giving the speech should do the same.