Monday, October 8, 2007

to wear or not to wear?

obama doesn't wear a pin. he's not a patriot, he doesn't love his country.
these are just some of the accusations circling around obama because he doesn't wear a dinky american flag pin on his lapel like the rest of the politician's in washington.
why do we care? i think he stated his counterargument beautifully: i'm less concerned about what you are wearing on your lapel than what's in your show your patriotism by how you treat your fellow americans, especially those ones who served."
so please people, stop wasting your time on what the presidential candidates are wearing, and more on where they stand on important issues. let the man be.


JT said...

i completely agree with you! i was amazed that people made such a big deal about a pin!! i mean come on, they really do need to stop wasting their time on what clothes people wearing, and more on issues.
but sadly, i guess this is what the world has come to.

Will said...

yeah yeah, people shouldn't worry about obama's lack of pin.
but he IS the only one not wearing one. couldn't it be possible that he chooses not to wear one because he knows that people will call him on it, giving him the chance to throw out beautiful lines like the one you quoted?