Monday, November 12, 2007

writing news for television and radio

when i first came to ithaca college and decided on my major, broadcast is what i had in mind. since then i have drifted towards print (more specifically feature writing). yet this chapter has reminded me why i was attracted to broadcast to begin with.
first off, i am a very conversation writer. and i believe that i write better when there is not much structure to have to worry about and the thoughts can just flow onto the paper. i really like the fact that broadcast writing is this way.
i would much rather turn on my television set than open a newspaper. there is just no comparison to getting that visualization of the news. i like the simplicity of broadcast, the way it is easy to pass on, and how words and pictures can be used to compliment one another.
one handy thing that i read in this chapter is the format of writing a broadcast piece. and that a minute of news read aloud is only 15 lines of copy, or 150 words. that is something i have never really been taught before. in fact, i feel that i have been taught very little in the broadcast aspect, and i hope that that changes soon. perhaps i've been so drawn to print because it's all i have really known for the past three semesters.
i hope that i can get pulled back into the broadcast world, i feel as though i've been slipping out.

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